Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Cultivation Theory: 

Gerbner built on the work done by bandura. he suggested that the media doesn't simply inject us, but cultivates particular beliefs / attitudes overtime. High frequency viewers of television are more susceptible to media  messages and the belief that they are real and valid.

Effects Theory:

in the effects theory, the media are powerful, negative forces who control the masses. The media is seen as a hypodermic syringe, injecting our helpless minds with messages which we take on fully.
The effects model is still in evidence today, particularly in tabloid newspapers who construct moral panics around the latest buzz in the media- rap music videos, horror movies, social media and so on.

Moral Panics:

Stanley cohen in 1972 published a book 'folk devils and moral panics'. Moral panics happen when members of a society and culture become outraged, fearful and upset by the challenges and menaces posed to 'their' accepted values and ways of life, by the activities of groups defined as deviant. These could be violent extremists, teenagers or an organisation / internet, violent games or social media.

Monday, 22 January 2018

fordism, vertical interrogation and anti trust laws

Fordism - was a term named after Henry Ford, it was a very efficient way of producing goods (like cars) based on standardising the product and  the assembly of the production. the film industry made films from the same genre over and over again

vertical interrogation- this refers to companies controlling all the means of production , distribution and consumption.

anti trust laws were made in the late 1950's , the US government bought an end to the vertical interrogation system and forced the studios to sell off their cinemas

A production company or a production house provides the physical basis for works in the realms of the performing arts, new media art, film, television, radio, and video.

distribution companies-Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user that needs it. This can be done directly by the producer or service provider, or using indirect channels with distributors or intermediaries.

Blockbusters target a large mass audience.

first blockbuster film was jaws
1997- first star wars film

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

stages of a genre

Stages of a Genre 

1st stage- the primitive, the formative stage in which the genres characteristics are first established. (before the title)

2nd stage- the classical, the genre is at its peak, with generic qualities refined.

3rd stage- the revisionist, which scrutinizes and reevaluates, often in a critical way the conventions that typify the genre.

4th stage- the parodic, in which the genre is satirized in a consciously  self reflexive, tongue in cheek manner.


Monday, 8 January 2018

The film industry

iconography and structures of ...

Sci fi-

  • Lasers
  •  space
  • aliens
  • spaceships
  • science
  • special powers
  • machinery
  • technical words
  • ---
  • going to parallel universes
  • involves people trying to escape
  • missions
  • problem occurs
  • ---

vampire horror-

  • vampires
  • blood
  • gore
  • darkness
  • spiders
  • bats
  • fangs
  • ---
  • steak through the heart
  • ---

The western-

  • cowboys
  • horses
  • guns
  • fights
  • ---
  • a lot of shoot outs
  • stand off
  • romantic relationship
  • ---


MEDIA CONVENTIONS byline: tells us who's written it standfirst: the bit in bold on the first paragraph (like bullet points) sidebar:...