Tuesday, 10 October 2017

audience segmentation

Audience segmentation
Demographics- age, gender, ethnicity, household income (social class).

(ABC1's- the wealthiest and higher up, C2DE's lower down such as manual workers)

Psychographics- based on attitudes, cross cultural consumer characterisation.
resigned- rigid, strict, authoritarian values. orientated to the past, thinks things used to be better.
Image result for pensioner
struggler- disorganized, heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food, spend money on instant gratification
Image result for drinkers
mainstreamer- domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental, part of the mass, want what everyone else has.
Image result for zoella
aspirer- materialistic, image, appearance, charisma, persona and fashion. attractive packaging more important then contents.

succeeder- strong goal, brand choice based on reward, quality has to be the best.

explorer- energy, confidence, want to try new things.(young student)

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